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Pet Showcase Entries

Category: News, Showcase, Students write, The Green Light

The Green Light

Lenny L – Y13 

This is my cat Vera sniffing a lychee. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, I think she thought it looked hostile.

Ella Y – Y9

This is Suzie the West Highland Terrier. Her favourite things to do are sleep, eat, go on walks and have cuddles from obliging strangers. She is 10 years old but young at heart!

Miss Devlin

This is Jackson. She’s 10 years old and really likes to sit comfortably wherever she can. She is quite shy and timid and likes a bit of peace and quiet in her old age and doesn’t miaow very often. She can be quite cuddly and enjoys curling up by the fire.

Mariam J – Y10

I have 2 budgies. The green one is called Kiwi and yellow one is called Tweety. Hope you enjoy looking at them because I love them and they are so funny.

Ms Gill

This is Misty, my Devon Rex. She likes to sleep on the top of the open dishwasher as she loves the warm humid air which escapes when it opens. When she hears the dishwasher going she lies in wait on the work surface until it clicks.

Kitty D – Y13

This is Hecate: she is six years old(nearly), we adopted her as a rescue when she was 3. She was rescued by the RSPCA after living as a stray for a year. She likes rolling in the sun, cuddling with her mum and playing with pom poms. She’s very timid, but very needy and loves getting attention.

Keya M – Y7

This is Peatree, the cat who is loved by the whole neighbourhood. My neighbour got this cat a while ago, but Peatree certainly isn’t just his anymore! He goes to every house, and loves ours. While he is a good cat (no scratching or biting), he certainly doesn’t like following rules!
And our green light winner (chosen by random ballot for fairness).

Mariam J – Y10

This is Rio. She is a silkie breed. I have three other brown chickens but they don’t like the camera.

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Cavendish Road, Bowdon,
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2NL
Bright Futures SCITTCEOP