Ensuring young people achieved their full potential involves the pupil, the school and the parents. We value the role that parents have in supporting the school and the young person. The homework diary contains all the basic information needed. Homework diaries are kept by all students from Year 7 to 13. We ask parents/carers to sign the homework diary on a weekly basis and to monitor that homework and coursework has been completed.
All year groups in Year 7-11 have a homework timetable indicating the days on which homework is issued for each subject, as well as the time allocation. A copy of each of the Homework timetables for Key Stage 3 can be found in the front of the pupils’ homework diaries.
After school care is provided for pupils from Year 7-11 from 3.40-5.00. The Homework club is based in the school library and provides a supervised opportunity for your child to undertake further study at school as required, 5 days a week. The school’s library also IT facilities which the pupils can access.
Years 12 and 13 can stay in the Sixth Form Library. There is always a member of staff in the Sixth Form until 5pm, five days a week.
We aim to be firm but positive with all the pupils. Development of self-discipline is encouraged throughout the school and girls, staff and parents have agreed a “Code of Conduct” and Home-School Agreement. Girls may be required to repeat work if it falls below the standard required and parents are asked to sign and return a slip to show that they are aware of the matter. Parents are always notified at least 24 hours in advance if a girl is to be kept in detention. If behavioural problems arise, the school seeks to work closely with parents.
Our aim is to provide a caring environment through a pastoral system which ensures that every young person’s personal and academic progress is closely monitored. Through our teams of Senior Tutors, Assistant Senior Tutors and form tutors we ensure the pupils receive guidance, encouragement and support.
In addition to the team of form tutors, Assistant Senior Tutors and Senior Tutors we also offer support through our Peer Mentors (Sixth Form). Every form in Year 7 -11 has a number of Sixth Form Peer Mentors who work on a weekly basis with the students in that particular form. We also have other resources in school including;
There is also an Assistant Headteacher responsible for overseeing pupil development and wellbeing. If you have any concerns you can contact the Senior Tutor using the Main School number or you can email admin@aggs.bright-futures.co.uk
The Head of Sixth Form is always available to help with Sixth Form pastoral issues by contacting the Sixth Form office.