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Computer Science STEM Workshop

Category: Computing, News, STEM

On Tuesday 3rd March, 29 pupils from Y8 were lucky enough to take part in a computer science STEM workshop. It was aimed around introducing girls into the vast array of jobs which are available from computer science and digital industries.

The pupils started the day with looking at different ways in which projects could be managed and improved via agile techniques. From there they were put into groups to create a website based around a bakery and form there, created a promotional video for the bakery they had marketed.

Pupils then had the chance to program robots using a micro:bit to move and flash lights.

After lunch all the new skills the pupils learnt were put to the test as they has to delegate roles in their groups to create a product from the robot; such as a toy pet, messenger and shape drawer. In their groups they had an hour and a half to create a website and video to promote their robotic invention and a prototype of the robot itself! A frantic hour and a half went by incredibly quickly, however, all teams managed to produce some exceptional material which was then presented to the whole group.

A fantastic day was had by all with a great creative atmosphere. I am sure we have a lot of excellent inventors, programmers and designers in the making.

Tags: Computing, STEM
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Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Cavendish Road, Bowdon,
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2NL
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