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Year 8 MFL Bake Off-Around the World and World Monuments

Category: Charity, Media Team, MFL, News, Students write

After days of preparation, planning and baking, year eights presented their very own European monument masterpiece in the MFL bake off. From Brussel’s science inspired Atomium, to Italy’s coliseum and several representations of our very own Big Ben, this year’s event was certainly jam-packed (and not just with Victoria sponge cakes). Our very own Paul and Prue: Mr Davenport and Mrs Crowson had ‘never seen such an impressive array of lovely cakes!’

The main hall was full of an eager audience, ready to witness a delicious cake cutting event. Many students were breath- taken by the cake models, it was almost as if we were transported to the landmarks in Europe (including a three-layered Eiffel tower cake almost the height of its baker)! This chef-d’oeuvre (work of art) was brutally decapitated, along with one of the Big Ben’s by Mr Davenport- although, the taste seemed worth the damage done!

However, there was some tower toppling trouble- with both the tower of London and Pisa collapsing. Yet, the Tower of Pisa bakers creatively hid this with the idea of their cake being transported to the future: 2080, the year the leaning tower of Pisa becomes the fallen tower of Pisa! Impressed with this creativity as well as the strawberry, lemon and lime inside coloured horizontally as the Italian flag, the cake was highly accredited by both the audience and the judges!

The Berlin wall and Travening around Europe cake – Joint second prize

We travelled between England, Germany and Belgium to witness all these amazingly designed cakes. All with different shapes, sizes and colours (including a majestic golden Arc de Triomphe with a green inside), but sadly only a few entries got through to winning the MFL Bake- Off 2019…

In second place came the black forest flavoured Berlin Wall. The judges were especially impressed with the texture and attention to detail with the graffiti, showing off their linguistic skills to call it ‘lecker’ (delicious). Also second, in a joint position, came an impressive cake titled ‘Around the World’. With over 44 colourful hand- crafted European flags and a rich Victoria sponge cake, it impressed both students and teachers alike.

The Colosseum – Joint First Prize

The Gherkin – Joint First Prize

Joint first place came the ‘moist and chocolatey’ Colosseum. With a beautiful brown tan and sloping stories to represent the ancient ruins. Mrs Crowson, however, said she would’ve preferred some lions inside! With both delicious taste and appearance, the Gherkin (made of six cakes put together) certainly looked like a winner. The judges loved the ‘zingy’ lemon flavour and the elaborate sugar works (consisting of melted sugar, water and a variety of syrup).

Special thanks to the organiser of this year’s MFL bake off, Mrs Stokes, and judges Mr Davenport and Mrs Crowson. Well done to all the year eights who were involved in making these show- stopper worthy cakes!

Written by Anisha M, Year 12

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