Year 7: generate- produce or create. “changes which are likely to generate controversy”
Year 8: guarantee- a formal assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality.”we offer a 10-year guarantee against rusting”
Year 9: generic- characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things; not specific. “chèvre is a generic term for all goat’s milk cheese”
Year 10: goad- provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction. “he was trying to goad her into a fight”
Year 11: grievance- a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment. “a website which enabled staff to air their grievances”
Year 12: gratuitous- done without good reason; uncalled for.”gratuitous violence”
Year 13: grandiose- impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so. “the court’s grandiose facade”