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Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition

Category: MFL, News, Publicity

We are delighted and would like to share the fantastic poetic success of our MFL students …

During the course of the lock down we have encouraged students from all year groups to take part in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, a national multilingual poetry competition that aims to celebrate cultural diversity and the many languages currently spoken in schools across the UK. The competition asks pupils to create an original poem in a second language they are learning at school (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Urdu and Mandarin). The competition is open to all primary schools and secondary schools and a great number of schools took part this year.

We received and entered some great poems and are delighted to say that Roxanna R and Anna F (Year 9) have won in the Y7 to Y9 category and Safa A (Year 13) has won in the Y12-13 category with their poetic submissions ‘Enfant de Lune’, ‘Isolement’ and ‘La peinture moins nette’ respectively. See here their brilliant poems for those of you who read french.


Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Cavendish Road, Bowdon,
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2NL
Bright Futures SCITTCEOP