Anne of Green Gables
by L.M Montogmery
As people say, childhood is the best part of life and is certainly is so for Anne Shirley when she arrives at Avonlea. Lucy Maud Montgomery describes Anne’s journey in Avonlea with the Cuthberts, from the day she arrived, a chatterbox filled with life and imagination, who can perceive a mere tree or pond as something much more. She goes to live with the Cuthberts; Marilla Cuthbert, the strictest, most rigid and uptight woman in Avonlea and Matthew, her brother, who despite being so shy, has a heart of gold hidden beneath. Despite arriving by mistake, in being the wrong orphan that Marilla and Matthew had asked for to help on the farm, she gradually transforms their simple lives into cheerful ones.
However not everything in Anne’s life always goes to plan, for example flying into a rage at Mrs Rachel Lynde, a very good friend of Marilla’s……. and also the village’s gossip! She also dyes her hair green, instead of the black curls that she was hoping for, since she was teased endlessly for her own hair colour.
Personally, I adore this book, not only because it is a timeless classic but you can read it over and over again and you cannot help laugh every time something happens to Anne. Anne, overall, despite her flaws, is a sweet helpful girl who can uplift the most miserable person and make them a changed person, just by talking to them. Another reason I enjoy this book is not only because of the comedy, but the way she perseveres through her first months, being labelled homely (an old-fashioned word for ugly or unattractive) and being called horrible nicknames such as ‘Carrots’, due to her orange hair. Luckily, she finds a friend in Diana Barry, who sees past her appearance and becomes a good friend of Anne’s.
I would recommend this book as it is a brilliant classic and is good fun to read, overall. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it!