Year 9 recently took part in The National Enterprise Challenge Finals where they had to identify an issue that either affects themselves, the school or local community and develop an idea for an innovative new product or service that would help address, resolve or reduce an issue. The day was delivered to Y9 in their form rooms over Zoom by Mrs Kirby. We were proud to announce that 9-2 were selected as the overall winners for their innovative organiser app. The presentation was well researched and professionally pitched and congratulations go to Daniella I, Eleanor H, Isabel H and Abi H. It was such a tough decision to make, as all of the entries were incredibly creative. We would also like to give an honourable mention to our runners up 9-7, for their merit and vending machine idea. We are so incredibly proud of you all for taking part and for making our enterprise day such a success.
Mrs Kirby & Mrs Gillibrand