Our Year 12 Business class have been learning about the external influences that can affect the running and success of a business. Students have been considering a range of external influences including demographics, economic climate, as well as ethical and environmental issues. As the UK is hosting a summit that is seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control, it seems that learning about these topics has never been more important. After watching a documentary on how climate change is about to upend the corporate world by The Economist, most students agreed that this is a topic they are concerned about. So, the class have now been asked to take a stand against climate change. They are each researching and writing to a company that they believe should be doing more to tackle climate change issues. They will be asking what strategies and timelines that their chosen company has in place to reduce carbon footprints and global warming. They want more assurance that companies are doing the right thing now and not just waiting for the changes in legislation before they take action. We are hoping to hear back soon!