This week year 10s immersed themselves in the world of manufacturing. They took part in an enterprise day that introduced them to the world of business and learned about the importance of product design, sales pitches, and costs and profits. Each team had to use their communication skills to work together, to run a new business. Each student was given a role from Engineers through to Managing Directors. Each team then had to compete against the rest of the year group to negotiate contracts and produce orders with the customers. This included planning, organising production, purchasing the necessary raw materials; then producing those goods to match the customer’s specifications and deadlines. All of the sales pitches were made to people from the world of business and manufacturing. The volunteers were from the business world of Arup, IBM, TRU West, Sellafield, Kyndryl, Network Rail, DWP & The Environment Agency. The day was a huge success and year 10 enthusiastically rose to the challenge. They impressed the judges and volunteers with their business acumen and made profits of nearly £500,000. The Enterprise Team was also impressed and so proud of year 10 and their efforts, as they showed us just how amazing they can be. Well done year 10!