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Year 9 Social action presentations 

Category: Media Team, News, Students write

Last Friday, Y9 classes presented their chosen charities to the year, talking about the social action they have been doing in and outside of class, and why their charity is important. Each set in the year had a representing group that were voted to have the best presentation in each class.  

The presentations summarise what each set has done to help raise awareness and fundraise, as well as explaining the importance of the charity. Most importantly, they outlined why they thought that their charity should win the £1000, which was the prize for the winning group.  

9A’s chosen charity was Talk, Listen, Change (TLC), a mental-health charity which provides free counselling service to support the community. They support individuals, families and communities in order to build happy, safe and healthy relationships.  

The charity chosen by 9B was The Counselling and Family Centre (CFC). It tackles the extremely important issue of mental health, as well as substance abuse and the effects upon the person themselves and family members. They are a local charity in Altrincham and holds support groups through art clubs and mindfulness sessions.  

Revive is a charity focusing on helping refugees and those seeking asylum with the aim to provide high quality services in order to support them, and this was the charity chosen by 9C. Ways that people can help the charity is by donating money or presents, or by becoming a friend of Revive 

9D chose Manchester Cares, a local charity tackling loneliness and isolation, and it does this by brining older and younger neighbours together. They also focus on anti-racism action and the ways we can support them is by raising money as it can make all the difference.  

9E’s chose TDAS (Trafford Domestic Abuse Services). This charity supports individuals and families in the Trafford area are suffering or have suffered domestic abuse. Its aim is to eradicate all forms of domestic abuse, and create a society where it is not tolerated, and families can live safely. To support them you could volunteer or raise money 

9F’s charity was the Wood Street Mission, which tackles poverty and aims to create wealth equality, by creating a society where all children have equal access to resources for their well-being and education, and donations are really appreciated.  

The Pankhurst Trust is the union of Manchester Women’s Aid and the Pankhurst Centre, and the trust is the charity which 9G chose. The trust works together to not only preserve the history of the Suffragettes to inspire everyone to challenge gender inequality but also ensure that those suffering from domestic violence receive the help they need.  

It may have been a long journey, but throughout the project we have done so much as a year group, raising just under £2000 for our charities all together. This money will be able to help so many people in addition to the £1000 won by the winning group – congratulations, 9E! The presentation is an epic finale that sums up our efforts, the efforts of our teachers and the work of these charities. Thank you to everyone involved in the process and to First Give for providing us with this brilliant opportunity!  

 *But wait, this doesn’t end here! There are many things that you can do to help these charities, whether it’s fundraising or learning more about their work. Remember, all of these charities are in need of more funding. Every penny can make all the difference.

Written by Gloria C & Preet G, Y9

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