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Year 11 Careers Morning

Category: Careers & Enterprise, News, Outside of the Classroom

The purpose of the morning is to get Y11 to think about their Post 16 options and to encourage them to think more widely about all of the options and opportunities available to them and to make a better informed decision about their future.

Y11 heard from a range of speakers who explained about the differences between 6th forms and colleges, college life and choices, the benefits of higher education, higher/degree apprenticeships and A-Level choices and also a specific talk at lunchtime about “Why choose medicine?”. We would like to thank Manchester College, Trafford Connexions, The Growth Company and The University of Manchester for coming into school to deliver the presentations.  Year 11 also heard from some of our Y12 students about their particular experiences of choosing A-Level options and how they found the transition to 6th form.

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Cavendish Road, Bowdon,
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2NL
Bright Futures SCITTCEOP