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The New School ‘Normal’

Category: News

We returned to school on September 3rd and despite all the new rules and regulations, we have still been enjoying it. Now, it seems that this is the new school ‘normal’!

Of course, nothing has been completely normal… especially with all the masks! A lot of the time, people might think that they see a friend but since they are wearing a mask, they are unable to tell whether it is them or not! However, people have managed to get round this problem by wearing re-usable masks, which have their own specific designs.

Now, due to Covid, we are in year group bubbles, meaning that if people have friends in other year groups, we have to stay away from each other in order to comply with social distancing. This has meant that many people end up calling one another or video-calling after school to catch up!

There have been a lot of new rules within school to keep us safe, for example the one-way systems around the school, which have been enforced across all buildings including the Devisdale. In the mornings, breaks and lunchtimes, each year group has been assigned specific places to go in school so that we don’t mix – although a lot of people choose to go to their form rooms at break. One of the good things about this is that everyone can easily find a space at lunchtime and enjoy time with their friends.

Another, great thing about the new rules is the staggered lunchtime. This means that for people having hot lunches there is definitely less queueing! Students can pre-order their lunchtime meals the day before, using the new school ordering app! Also, at breaktimes the snacks that the school sells, are easily accessible, as the kitchen staff set up stations where students can collect their pre-ordered food. Out of the many items on the menu, pupils really enjoy the croissants, which are have become popular!

Unfortunately, over this half-term some forms have been sent home to isolate but nevertheless they are managing to keep up with their school work and are taking part in ‘virtual learning’.  Some teachers are delivering live lessons and others are filming practical lessons and uploading these to Teams. We look forward to welcoming back these students after half term.

At school, it is quite important to stay safe, by washing your hands for 20 seconds before eating, and wearing a mask at all times when you are not eating.  So remember………… Hands, Face, Space!

Written by Preet G 8-4

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Cavendish Road, Bowdon,
Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2NL
Bright Futures SCITTCEOP