As you all know, Islamic Society has been hosting many MACFEST events from the 21st of February to the 25th. Alongside the fun and exciting events, an artistic Year 12 girl called Maryam S has been creating breath-taking artworks with Arabic Calligraphy.
Her stunning backgrounds have been presented with many different textures including polished, smooth, glossy and incised looks. Her array of different colours are amazing, with blended, contrasting, and sketchy effects. Furthermore, her calligraphy is excellent, with bold refinement and a very good level of pressure.
Maryam sold her masterpieces for £2.50 each, which resulted in her raising a lot of money for charity, which contributed to the total of the MACFEST events. Overall, MACFEST has raised over £110! Thank you Maryam for your amazing contributions, and a huge thank you to Islamic Society, for presenting us with these extraordinary events!
Here are some beautiful bookmarks created by some Year 8 students (who were in-spired by Maryam) at the Bookmark Workshop
Written by Zaynab K, Y7
AGGS Media Team