I am sure that many agree with me in saying that Matilda was definitely the highlight of our year!
In February, we had our first auditions and over one hundred turned up! This was then followed by a dance and drama audition and a final callback. We were all so excited whilst preparing for these and practising Naughty with my friends was a lot of fun!
When the roles were announced, I was absolutely ecstatic that me and my form friends were able to perform together. This had been a childhood dream for the longest time and to have had the opportunity to be in Matilda was beyond fantastic.
I’d like to say a ginormous thank you to all the teachers/directors who were able to make Matilda possible and who have tirelessly worked on the props and costumes. From the very beginning of the auditions to the show, they have supported, guided and believed in us. Ms Mayall, Mrs Boyd and Ms MacAulay have been fabulous and their singing expertise at every rehearsal resulted in our gorgeous performances of our songs. Mrs Marler and Mrs Ryan have been so dedicated and their advice with staging was the reason why the production turned out the wonderful way it did! Thank you to Mrs Anstey and Mrs Collinson’s unmatched choreography skills – the dances were so carefully thought out.
Also a special thanks to:
Mr Copestake and Mr Capon for the technical side of the show!
Miss Eastwood with her support with costumes
Mrs Lovelady for creating the stunning parts of the set
Miss Bown for the beautifully thought out poster and help with the set
Mrs Brennan for all of the programmes
The reception staff for selling the tickets
The site team for all their support with the set.
Our backstage helpers – Chelsea and Evie. The scene changes would have been impossible without them
The wonderful parents/carers who supported and cheered us on for these past 4 months. Thank you for being a lovely audience for our final performances!
And last but not least, thank you and well done to my unbelievably talented co-cast who came to every rehearsal with an eagerness to perform and huge smiles on their faces! We put our heart and soul into our incredible performances and to see that passion enjoyed so thoroughly by our brilliant audience was a truly heart-warming feeling.
It’s devastating that this journey has reached its end. We will never forget this whole process and the new friends that we have made.
Written by Anna K, Year 8