On the evening of the 14th of March, a Careers Convention took place in the Sports Hall. It was open to students from Year 10 to Year 13, as well as their families. The hall was full, with over sixty stands, presenting a vast range of companies and organisations, as well as college and universities. There was a lot of information available to us that evening, and overall, it was inspiring in many ways, giving us ideas for possible future careers and paths to take. The vast array of stalls available appealed to those with different interests – there were careers in sports, medicine, engineering, law…and the list goes on.
There were also lots of things we took away from the evening (and it’s not just the new information!). Brochures, tote bags, pens and pencils…some even took away a few other products.
Here are some quotes from students who attended:
Thank you to Mrs Gillibrand and Mrs Yarnall-Smith for coordinating the event for all organisations and representatives present that evening for giving up their time to inform us and inspire us.
Written by Preet & Gloria – AGGS Media Team